Get Your Peas In

March 2023

If you’re like me, the warm weather has snuck up on you entirely. Suddenly we find ourselves taking out lawn furniture and taking stock of the yard and planning cleanup priorities.

A good friend seems to have the annual job of asking me, in April, to not forget to get the peas in. Doh! So yesterday, in weather way too-warm for their liking, we dug out a packet of seeds, cleared out one of our containers, stuck some peas into the soil, and projected hope onto those little guys.

My daughter then pulled out the seed catalog she lifted from my father’s house and we sat on the dusty outdoor furniture and made garden plan. We deliberated over which strawberries sounded sweetest, which tomatoes would be best in salad. In the end, I let her choose. As a result, our garden will have dill, mini gherkins, tomatoes, chives, watermelon, strawberries, and 15ft sunflowers.

It’s really too late to order seeds or plant peas. But we’re doing it anyways because we do it every year- plant our peas a bit too late, sort out the yard well after the perennials have sprouted. And you know what? It all works out anyway.

This year at Create, we got our spring break classes posted a bit late also. There’s a good reason: we’re filming a dating show at the studio next week! No details to share for now (no, it won’t be on Netflix), but we’ll definitely share more when we’re able. As a result, we’re offering the kids a bit less than normal for school vacations and we hope the kids will enjoy what we have.

There are sure as heck are time-sensitive huge decisions in life, way too often for my liking in fact. Sometimes the decisions are small and require no struggles and no weight- there’s just JOY. Muffin or scone? Peas or Swiss chard? Vacation or staycation? Pottery or Painting?

Last evening, I savored the peace of being present in the luscious debate of garden priorities with an enthusiastic 11 year old, and it was amazing. On this sunny week, my message to you is to savor the little decisions; don’t sweat the clock/calendar when you don’t need to. Let your mind ponder over and enjoy the inconsequential choices in your life wherever you can find them.

Gena Mavuli